Welcome to Schillo
schillo is your hairstyling- and
hair specialist with a longstanding
excellent international reputation.
Baldness is a thing of the past
Toupees from the hair replacement specialist: Schillo.
Welcome to Schillo - your hairstyling and hair replacement specialist. Discover the fascination of “hair” here ...
We specialise in natural and authentic hair replacement. Do you suffer from hair loss? We offer you made-to-measure hair replacement solutions of the highest quality. You will be amazed just how unnoticeable modern toupees are.
Whether hereditary hair loss or hair loss caused by illness: with over 40 years of experience and specialist expertise, we will find the right solution for you - our highly qualified team always has time to give you individual advice.
Hair loss is not a question of age.
Many people already suffer from baldness in their mid 20s. The degree of balding varies greatly - from thinning hair to bald patches (alopecia areata) to a receding hairline.
We have long since consigned to the history books the days when the only toupees we knew were Grandpa’s and at most a source of amusement if they got blown away down the road by a gust of wind. With our own Sensigraft® brand we have developed a state-of-the-art hair replacement so closely tailored to your specific requirements that even you will soon forget you’re wearing a toupee.
Our hair replacement is authentic and natural, each one being unique - especially developed for you. Bid farewell to your baldness - we can give you advice absolutely free of charge and with no obligation.
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